Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Using up the oldie moldie paper

My friend Ivanka has a challenge on Monday to dig into your old supplies and make a card - I do try to play along. Actually I made two more cards from the paper I used on last week's card
This card is a one sheet wonder - I like paper that has different design elements within the one sheet - I used the design for this week's challenge on Card Positioning System. I used a scrap of brown cardstock for the trim. The flower is several layers - one layers is from a flower bush I tore apart from a big box store so you have lots of flowers at an inexpensive price. A Prima, another flower - these three flowers were placed in some coffee so they were brown in color - they started out as white. The other layers are a Sizzix die cut - the paper is a grocery bag that was wet, wadded, wet and wadded again and left to dry - then ironed. I kinda like it. Card making gone green. (hmmmmmmmmm - could that be a hint of some sort).
I will be out of town the remainder of the week. Everyone have a great week - I am taking some stuff with me so I do hope to make a few cards while I am gone.


  1. Barb, you may call this paper "oldie moldie" but your card sure is beautiful!


  2. So very pretty!! Great job with sketch 57!

    Have a great evening!

  3. i'm diggin' the mono color scheme here! so classy! glad you're playing along with us at cps!

  4. Very nice card, love the monochromatic look!

  5. I absolutely love this card!! Fabulous job!

  6. super pretty - lovely take on the sketch
