Monday, March 31, 2008

Leftover Monday

Sorry for being "Missing in Action". My mom is ill so I have been with her and I came home with the dreaded bug so I am laid pretty low. I think I have had my burst of energy and will post this card and then hit the couch again. I hate being sick - I hate sitting in hospitals.
While being with my Mom - I did do some coloring of some images. This is a new stamp I bought at Hobby Lobby last week - half price - can't beat that. Someone posted a card and deeply enabled me to find this stamp.
This card satisfies 3 challenges. The design at Card Positioning Systems. The mini challenge of Purple Snurple at Caardvarks and last but not least - my friend Ivanka - has use up your oldie moldy papers. You can follow here link on the side of my blog.
The paper is leftovers from the Basic Grey box. Please tell me everyone has a box of Basic Grey they have collected. I colored the stamped image with Twinkling H2O's.
I hope you enjoy my card.


  1. Love it Barb!! I have to admit that I do have a stash of BG paper and save my favorites for special cards!! That stamp is very, very cute!! Doesn't it feel good to use up your stash??! Hope you feel better soon!

  2. It's not looking oldy moldy to me ... absolutely adorable card ... glad you found some time to create.

  3. Awwww....this is so cute!! Great job with sketch 58...thanks for playing this week!


  4. So, so cute! Love the monkey and of course the BG.

  5. what a fun, whimsical card! great work with the cps sketch!

  6. cutie! I've seen that monkey before and I wish my LSS will have it available, tnx for sharing your cute card!

  7. What a fun card. Love all of hte bright colors.

  8. This card is way fun Barb! I like the mix of moldy oldy paper. I went through my paper last night and I am gong to get rid of those slab papers. I know I will never use them. I do hoard the Basic Grey but I don't have a box full! Just a couple of folders and the small card size slabs.

  9. I love this card!! That stamp is so darn cute!!! Great job!

    And yes, I do have a stash of BG that I just can't use! I love it too much!! lol
