Monday, March 24, 2008

Sorry - No Card

Sorry I have no new card to post tonight - I was on the road all week end and for some reason they did expect me to show up and work today. What are they thinking?

I think I have told you that in a week - April 1 -we are going to start a contest here on my blog. It will be quite fun and you will have to put on your thinking hat for this. I have brought in judges for the event and I have already started buying the prizes. I covet all of them.

Stay tuned to find out what the fun is going to be.

I did take a fun class tonight - acetate cards. Interesting and I think I will be brave enough to do this on my own now. I did buy some the premade acetate cards - now I wonder - where did I put them.

Everyone have a great evening.

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