Saturday, January 20, 2024

Something Old - Something New

It is never to early to start making your Christmas cards for 2024.  Luckily there are several challenge blogs which help you create.  They come up with the idea and then you must create.

The current challenge at Jingle Belles is Something Old and Something New.   I had to have the newest Tim Holtz sticker book this year so the gift tag (holly image) and postcard (holly image) and sentiments are from that sticker book.  The old part for the challenge is all the cardstock, embossing folders, and gold ink are from my stash.  I also used my red stickles and brushed some on all the berries.  

I do like how the cards turned out.  One of my goals for the new year was to use my embossing folders and I have been rocking that.  This is a Gina K embossing folder and I like that it is bigger than the normal A2 card front.  It also has a vintage feel to it.  

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a fabulous way to showcase those lovely vintage-like images ... so glad you joined us at Jingle Belles for our NEW and OLD prompt.

  2. Oh my gosh, these are so beautiful and I'm pretty sure you just "enabled" me into the new TH sticker book!!! What a brilliant way to combine it with your existing stash of goodies! (& YES, you are rockin' the embossing folders and inspiring me to use mine!) So happy you could join our Jingle Belles fun this fortnight!

  3. so nicely done! I really like those stickers (if I'd seen them, I would have purchased - just my kinda thing) and yay on using your embossing folders once again!
