Sunday, January 21, 2024

Beautiful Patterned Paper

 When I first started card making, I fell in love with patterned paper.  Maybe it was because my first love was fabric.  I was not a stamper and so paper was how I made my cards.  I still love patterned paper and even though I have too much Christmas patterned paper, I could not resist by a few 6 x 6 pads.  Unfortunately I do not remember who makes this paper I used on my card but I believe it is a European company.

The current challenge at 52 Christmas Card Throwdown is wreath and I looked through the new patterned paper and yes there was a beautiful wreath.  The card is 5 x 7.  I matted the wreath (which had to be trimmed down) with two different solid colors.  I put everything on a light grey card base.  I like the contrast of the grey card base rather than using white.

I die cut a gold sentiment and placed in the center of the wreath.  I also fussy cut the poinsettia which was on the strip I cut off and popped it up over the poinsettia on the wreath.  I brushed on some red Stickles on the berries and then finished the card with gold and iridescent white splatters.  The white splatters brought it all together for me.

There are a couple more wreath images in the paper pad so I really should just make a few more of the card.

Thanks for stopping by.  


  1. What a beautiful festive card :-)) I like your wreath!
    Thank you for playing with us at 52CCT ❤️
