Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Happy Little Stamper's Birthday Challenge

This is the start of a new challenge at Happy Little Stamper's - it is a birthday challenge.  It is a great challenge because we all need birthday cards.  It is also the best challenge because it is "anything goes."

This particular card has been in my head for awhile.  I must have seen something similar on a blog, Facebook, or Pinterest.

I started out with a panel of kraft card stock cut to 5 x 3.75.  I brushed or rubbed a light coat of white gesso over the front.  I then took a stencil and added more white gesso in a littlee heavier layer to add some interest and depth to the background.  I took a glue stick and rubbed it on the front and took some dictionary page and put it on top of the glue.  I then tore off the page that did not stick to the page.  I glued a piece of coffee dyed fabric on the side of the panel and then added a strip of grocery bag which I hand pleated and sewed on the sewing machine.  I glued a single die cut on top of the pleated paper bag.  A sentiment was matted with kraft card stock and added to the front of the card.  I distressed the edges of this panel and the mat with scissors.  This was layered together on top of a kraft card base.  To finish the card and bring all the elements together I added black and gold splatter.  

I am very happy how the card turned out.  It looks just like the image that was in my head.

Here is a close up of the flower, fabric, sentiment and pleated grocery bag.

Please come join us for the first birthday challenge at Happy Little Stampers.

Thanks for stopping by.

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