Wednesday, July 6, 2022

July Happy Little Stamper's Stencil Challenge

 It is time for a new stencil challenge at Happy Little Stampers.  

The stencil challenge is always "anything goes."

I am trying to be proactive and get my birthday cards done for my family ahead of time.  This will be a birthday card for a brother or a son in law.

The stencil is from Waffle Flower.  It is very fun to use.  I decided I wanted to use book pages for my base for my design.  I added a layer of gesso to the book pages.  For the blue background, I used the ink smooshing technique to color it.  

The mushrooms were done with oxide inks and I used some masking to make it look like the mushrooms were behind the main image.  Doing the ink blending on the gesso, your colors are not as intense.  (Compare the colors on the card to the envelope - thee is a world of difference.)  I added blue and green behind the mushrooms to mimic the sky and grass.  After I finished the stenciling I decided to outline the mushrooms with a black pen.  The URA Fun-gi was computer generated.  

Each layer was matted with a dark brown card stock.

I decided the card needed a coordinating envelope.

Thanks for stopping by.  

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