Monday, February 21, 2022

Oldie Moldie Monday

 It is Monday, time to show some love for your old supplies.

I have gotten into junk journaling a little - the buying and watching You Tube videos part.  I saw this video for making these cute envelopes out of 6 x 6 paper and decided to try my hand at it.  I made three.

Unfortunately, I do not remember who did the You Tube video to give them credit.  You have two pieces of 6 x 6 paper and score at 2.5 inches.  You slide them together and glue on the sides.

Here is the back of the envelope.  

Here is the front of the envelope with the flap open.

Here are all three envelopes.  The Christmas one is stuffed with coordinating embellishments and will be a Christmas happy mail for someone.

Now I need to go make a million more of these to use up my patterned paper.  

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