Saturday, February 19, 2022

Masculine Christmas Card

 I have been using challenges to get a ample number of Christmas cards made so I am ready in December for mailing.

This week the challenge at 52 Christmas Throwdown is a Masculine Christmas card.  

The other day I saw this card pass by on Facebook - no idea where I saw it but the idea stayed in my mind and I wanted to try and create it.  I think it makes a great masculine card.

The card gave me the fits.  I first used two shades of blue oxide to add some color to the background.  After this was dry, I started stamping the different snowflakes (it is amazing how many different styles, shapes and sizes of snowflakes you have in your supplies).  I think I managed to get black ink on every panel I stamped.  Black ink where it was not supposed to be.  The card I saw had the black stripes on both sides of the snowflake panel.  I taped my card down and used my T ruler to get the sentiment straight.  When I took the tape off, I tore off a chunk of the striped paper thus we slide the panel over.  Thank goodness I had put a good chunk of striped paper on each side.  

For all the problems this card gave to me, I really like it.  I have several more stamped pieces and I hope I am able to work around the extra black ink - I guess - if all else fails - add some black splatter.

Thank for stopping by.  


  1. Beautiful masculine Christmas card, thanks for playing at 52CCT challenge

  2. Beautiful masculine Christmas card. Love the black and white combo. Thank you so much for playing along with 52CCT. Rosi x

  3. What a beautiful card you made :-))
    Thank you for playing with us at 52CCT.
