Thursday, March 15, 2018

Hello Spring

We are anxiously awaiting Spring here in Wisconsin.  We have a couple days of warm so we will bask in the sunshine for the next couple days.

I bought a new sentiment from Whipper Snapper Stamps that says Hello Spring so I wanted to use it.  I also reacquainted myself with a very old stamp and die set from Hero Arts.  I believe I used it last week on the sketch at Freshly Made Sketches.

The sketch  this week at Freshly Made Sketches is an easy sketch to do. 

I flipped the sketch.  I used a die to cut an opening in card stock that would match the front of my card front.  I stenciled the shape on using a shade of Distress Oxide Inks.  The flower was stamped on Bristol smooth paper and colored with Zig markers and Distress Oxide Ink.  The little bee was already stamped and colored from many years ago.  All I had to do was die cut it.  The background paper is not white - it is a very light shade of grey.

Thanks for stopping by - and I hope it is spring in your neck of the woods. 


  1. HTotally sweet card for spring! Love your CAS design! Glad you joined us at FMS!

  2. I love this clean and fresh card, which feels like Spring to me. Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches this week!

  3. This looks just like a little breath of spring! Just wonderful. Glad you joined us this week at FMS!
