Saturday, March 17, 2018

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays - yes it is Saint Patrick's Day - but I made a Christmas card.  It is time to get started on those so I can just mail them out next December rather than frantically created. 

I actually know who this card will go it.  I have three little great great nieces and I mail each of them a different card (so this year - they will each get a snowman card).  I want them to remember their Aunt Barb. 

Paper Smooches has started up their challenges again.  I have missed them.  I love my Paper Smooches stamps so it is good to get them out and play.  I especially love the snowmen I have. 

The challenge this month on the Paper Smooches blog is a sketch.  This is a fun sketch with lovely layers.

I turned the sketch on the side to accommodate my image.  Several layers of pretty pink and teal paper to show off the sweet snowman.  The sentiment was cut in half to fit in the space.  There is a blingy snowflake in the left corner. 

Stop over to the Paper Smooches blog and play along with their challenge.

Thanks for stopping by. 

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