Monday, November 4, 2013

Oldie Moldie Monday

Busy day - I only got one card made for Oldie Moldie Monday.  This cute stamp set is from Taylored Expressions.  The paper is an old 6 x 6 pack from Echo Park.

Assisting with a Veteran's Day activity on campus.  A Cardmaking Project for Operation Write Home with the Pathway Students.  I hope we have lots to come.

I have two kits prepped.  One is 12 thank you cards - very simple ones and then 6 of another card.


  1. This is such a cute card, the sentiment is perfect! I hope your card day went well today.

  2. What a fun card, Barb!

    I wanted to stop by and thank you for the lovely comment you left on my final Moxie Fab World blog post. I had such an incredibly good time in the Moxie Fab World, and I'm *so glad* I got to know you there! Hugs and loves to you, my moxie fab friend! :)
