Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I Love a Good Wiener Dog Stamp

I have a couple different people who have or have had wiener dogs in their lives so I like to make their holiday cards with a wiener dog.

This cute dog is from Paper Smooches.  I fell in love with him and the other stamps in the set are as cute also.

I am entering this card in their sparks trends challenge of stripes.  Here is their picture for the challenge.

Well I must go - I am supposed to be packing to leave for a conference but my stamp was calling to me.  There is also a mixed media project that had to get started.  I do have a bunch of clothes thrown in a suitcase - I just need to figure out what to wear tomorrow and Friday.


  1. This sweet card is so cute! Thank you so much for joining us this week on the Paper Smooches SPARKS Challenge:)

  2. Just darling! LOVE the layout of your card - so fun and different! Thanks so much for joining us this week at Paper Smooches SPARKS Challenge!!!


  3. OMG!! What an AMAZING Card!! I LOVE the Design and your take on the challenge!! THANKS for playing along with the Paper Smooches SPARKS Challenge and have a Fabulous Week!! =)

  4. Such a sweet, card with such fun patterns and sentiment! Anita (in France):)

  5. OHHH! This little pup is the CUTEST! I bought that set just so I could have him too! And it's perfect for your friends' Christmas card! Thanks so much for joining in the fun with the Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge!

    ps... super sorry I'm so behind in leaving a comment!!!
