Monday, June 3, 2013

Oldie Moldie Monday

Oldie Moldie Monday - time to show some love for your older supplies - some of our supplies are old enough to collect Social Security but then there are others that are just toddlers - I believe this 6 x 6 pad is just a toddler.  I do have a thing for collecting 6 x 6 pads.  This pad is from Basic Grey.  This card was based on the weekly sketch at CAS(E) This Sketch.  Here is the sketch.  I just moved my strip up a little more on the page.

I always struggle - is this CASE - it is not white - but there is plenty of open space - does that count.  I did one more card made from the pad - I made one last week also.

These cards are going into my next Operation Write Home Box.  They will bring smiles to some heroes family and friends when they receive them in the mail.

I finished my mixed media project - come back  on Tuesday to see that project.


  1. I'm always impressed by your Oldie Moldie Monday posts Barb. LOL, I need more toddlers and less Social Security Recipients in my collection. And yes, open space DOES count as white space. :)

  2. Great cards. Love that top sketch and your toddler papers.
