Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mixed Media Fun

This is a canvas I finally finished last week end.  It was for my assistant's birthday and Sonia loves butterflies - see the S on the wing - that is for Sonia.

Many layers of paint, gesso, tissue paper, ink sprayed on it - lots and lots of layers of stuff.  I am clearing out my rub ons on these canvases I make.  I love to use up some of my supplies.

The butterfly shape was cut with my Silhouette.  There are three layers glued together.  Lots of layers of paint added to the butterfly also.  When I went to adhere the butterfly to the canvas, the butterfly decided it wanted to let its wings be free so the butterfly is only adhered to the canvas in the center.  The wings are off the canvas floating.

Hope you enjoyed my trip into something other than cards.  I actually am working on two more mixed media pieces.  One is more traditional but another one is layers of paint also.  Would you believe that one is for a birthday in August - gee I am ahead of the calendar.  Hard to believe

Enjoy the remainder of your Sunday.  I must go make my Oldie Moldie Monday card.

1 comment:

  1. that turned out really cool Barb, I bet she just loved it! Good for you getting ahead on your other birthday presents :)
