Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Operation Write Home Fundraiser - K 'n K Design

K 'n K Designs is sponsoring a fundraiser for Operation Write Home to help raise shipping costs for sending holiday cards to our troops.  $13,000 is the projected cost for sending cards overseas - this only happens because of generous sponsors such as K 'n K Designs or by each of us sending our own small donation.  I sent a box of cards - 50 - to the midwest shipper yesterday - and enclosed $13.00 - I know this will cover the cost of shipping one box overseas.  If we all do this - it will help immensely. 

Today my card is made using the sketch from Fetch a Sketch - of course - I took my own turn down the road in the land of sketches - my circle is an oval - the placement of my strips is a little different.  I used the digi image from K 'n K Designs Snow Thankful - I have been trying to work on my coloring skills with colored pencils.  I still have lots to learn.  I guess, not going to kindergarten, set me back in my coloring skills - of course - did they have colors that long ago. 

Please go out to K 'n K Designs and check out their cute digis - they are only available until November 1.  All proceeds are donated to Operation Write Home.  Please stop by all week to see more of these designs and on Saturday there is a great blog hop - I will have more information on that later in the week.


  1. Very, very cute card! Love your comment about coloring skills and not going to Kindergarten...that is most likely my problem as well!! lol If I'd only gone to kindergarten...

  2. Oh this is so cute!! I love how you colored that right on the kraft paper!! :) Great sketch, too!! Thanks so much for sharing about the fundraiser and leaving me a link!!

  3. Love, love, love your Patriotic Snowman card!!! your coloring is awesome by the way. thanks for sharing ~ Pam

  4. I just love the way the snowman looks colored on kraft paper. I'm going to try that soon!

  5. Fantastic - love all the snow! I've used this image too as part of the OWH blog hop! Thank you for joining in at Fetch A Sketch – hope you can join us again for the next challenge! Fetch A Sketch Challenges

  6. Cute card! I love the little stars! Thanks so much for playing along with us over at Fetch A Sketch!
