Monday, October 17, 2011

Oldie Moldie Monday

I dug into my collection of Basic Grey to do my oldie moldie Monday card.  The weekly midweek challenge on Operation Write Home card blog Stars and Stamps - is masculine cards.  I dug out my favorite truck stamp - I like this stamp - I don't have to color it - that I enjoy.  I stamped it with some Colorbox chalk ink.  This type of ink works so well when you are just stamping an image.

I hope you enjoy my card for today.  Lots of fun things happening this week.  I am participating in a blog hop on Saturday.  Lots of cuteness coming your way.


  1. I do like it! Crisp and Clean, but gorgeous! TFS!!!

  2. Is that a '57 Chevy? I want a truck like that! Great card, Barb. The metal brad complements the truck nicely. Thanks for the tip on using chalk ink when stamping images that won't be colored.
