Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday, February 15, 2011

Good evening - where did the week end go - I could use another day - of course I did not get done what I wanted to get done. I should do a load of laundry and some cleaning - I bet doesn't happen.

I did get some cards made for Operation Write Home which is good - on Saturday - I sent a box of 105 cards - that always feels good to send a box to the shipper. Right now they still need Mother's Day cards - I am making some cards but will make them general enough that they can be used at any time.

A friend gave me some card bases - and this is one of the cardbases - I stamped with VersaMark with my dot stamp to add some depth/texture to the card front. The strip of striped paper - was laying on the table. I found the pink and blue in the scrap bag. Last night I did some coloring - and colored six Fluffles. This image makes a happy card. I based the card on the sketch at Clean and Simple Stamping.

Well everyone - I must go and do some chores. The day seemed so long without a football game to watch. But we can still bask in the thoughts of a Packer win.

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