Saturday, February 12, 2011


Good morning – welcome to the first Operation Write Home SKIP – you say – what is a SKIP – a SKIP – is a mini HOP. OWH has wonderful blog hops but with a SKIP 10 card makers are going to focus in on a certain creative idea, a specific product, etc.

This SKIP was a kit challenge. I sent the same kit to 10 people. The kit included 4different patterned papers that coordinate and the same stamped image. It will be interesting to see how each of us make our card. We could use our own embellishments, ribbon, card base, etc.

I colored my image with Copics. I matched the color of my flower to the purple that is in the patterned paper. I used Bazzill cardstock for my card base. I die cut my image with one of my Spellbinders. I then chalked the background of my stamped image so it wasn’t so bare or stark white. I learned this in a class – I really like the softness of the chalked sky.

I had bought a new Spellbinder set and wanted to use it on the card – that is the green on the bottom of the card. I matted the colored image with one of the patterned papers. I left an extra large area on top of the mat. I wanted to add some trim or ribbon in this area. The trim I decided on was a pleated ribbon. I adhered it with red line tape. I cut a narrow strip of paper to cover the top of the ribbon. When I placed all the layers on the card base – the card base looked flat – so I used a background stamp and just stamped with Versamark on the card front – it adds some depth or design to the plain colored base.
I added a brad on each side of the image. I pop dotted the image to give it a little depth. I placed a sticker on the same color paper as my bottom mat and pop dotted it also. I really like how my card turned out.

I hope you are excited to continue on the skip to see how everyone else made their cards. I can’t wait. I saw one of the cards a couple weeks ago – it is fantastic.

Here are all the wonderful ladies who are participating in the skip. You will go to visit Yolanda next.

Stars and Stamps

I know that after the skip you will be excited to know we have a blog hop coming up. You can click on this link to go read the information about the hop and sign up to participate. I think I already know (well kinda) what I am going to do.

If you have any ideas for SKIPS – please share them with me – I am your OWH SKIP coordinator.

Now get going – SKIP. I do have two kits that I will be giving away to people who leave comments on my post.

Card Details:
Card size: 4.25 x 5.5
Card base: Bazzill cardstock
Patterned Paper: My Mind’s Eye
Stamp: Whipper Snapper Designs
Trim: Maya Road
Brads: American Crafts
Sticker: SRM Stickers


  1. Lovely job! Your background cardstock goes so well I wondered how you stretched the paper that far...

  2. nice card. I have two of the dp you all used! Love the image.

  3. Very cute card...I love the bunny! Thanks so much for sharing!

    lnorris21 at hotmail dot com

  4. Kimberley Martini YoungFebruary 12, 2011 at 7:40 AM

    Love the idea of sending out a kit to see how each person takes it. The stamp image is adorable.

  5. So interesting. It looks like you are looking out a window with the ribbon placement. I didn't know until a few minutes ago if we all had the same paper

  6. Terrific sentiment and I like how you popped it.

  7. what a great idea - I love seeing what different people wind up with using the same supplies - and of course I love the card ! I too have been chalking my backgrounds to get rid of some of that white - I really like how it looks and it softens it up a bit

  8. Nicely done Barb! That sentiment is so perfect for this adorable image. This was a lot of fun and interesting to see the wide variety of results.

  9. How darling--and so refreshing after all the winter storms we've had the past two weeks!

  10. What a fun idea, I love this SKIP! I can't wait to see how everyone used the same supplies. Beautiful work!

  11. Hey There Barb!!!
    Your card came out just adorable!!! I love that pleated ribbon, it added a little something extra to this card!!!
    Thanks for your hard work and letting me be apart of the skip!! ;) Happy Skippin'

  12. very cute! this image is adorable

  13. that is just the cutest image and great coloring of it, I love your pleated ribbon such a great touch!

  14. love the card!
    thanks for being the inspiration behind the "skip"

  15. How fun, thanks for doing the skip for us! Your card is wonderful and I can't wait to see the others :)

  16. Beautiful card Barb! Love the idea of a skip. It's so fun to see how everyone interprets the same supplies.

  17. So cute!!! I love the "awning" you created - I am totally CASEing that sometime!!

  18. Love the card! Of course, purple is my favorite color. :-) Love the bunny image and the fact that you used DP to cut with the Spellbinders die. Great touch.

  19. Cute card, Barb. I love the purple and green combo!!

  20. Barb, yes, your card is very nicely turned out. Thanks for your detailed info on how you created your card. Thanks for organizing this skip. It was a great a fun.

  21. Adorable! I like the way the colors all came together.

  22. Great card...I love the skip idea....seeing several variations are very helpful for a newbie!

  23. I love how the purple and green make it look so much like spring! Very nice!

  24. I love the colors - remind me of Spring and warmer weather! Thanks for organizing the skip and providing such detailed instructions of how you put your card together. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the cards and the next skip!

  25. What a cute card. I love the ruffle at the top. TFS.

  26. The image is adorable. Great job on the card

  27. Barb, what a great idea! You are such an inspiration!

  28. very cute card! cant wait to see how all the other ladies did with their kits!! really cool idea, this skip thing! :)

  29. It turned out great. Love that ribbon, looks like curtains. I had fun doing it.

  30. Gorgeous! I love all of the special touches like the pleating and the die you used on the bottom. Awesome layout!

  31. I LOVE this card!!! And I love the idea of blog skips, today I only have a couple hrs between jobs and can get some great inspiration!! Thanks again for coordinating this!!

  32. Barb these skips are such a great idea, thanks for cordinating this!

    Your card is just darling, love that bunny!! Makes me wish spring would hurry!

  33. Wonderful card. I like the chalked edges too. I will have to try that on some cards myself.

  34. Such an adorable card and for a wonderful cause!!

    I'm very slow, but tyring my best to make it slowly through the HOP!!


  35. What a beautiful card. I could never create something like that from a kit. TFS

  36. Super cute card, Barb, and you did a great job organizing the skip! Thanks for all you do for OWH!

  37. Love how you used chalk around your stamped image. I am a new follower.
    Thank you,
    countrygirl_md at yahoo dot com

  38. Well this is fun! I love your card. Thanks for sharing!

  39. Love your card...that bunny is soooooooooooo cute!

  40. Barb, thanks for organizing this fun blog skip. It's fun & educational to see how this talented group of crafters interprets the same materials!! Love your card, especially the purple and how your ribbon looks like a window treatment!

  41. Cute card! I love the mix of different papers and the image is very sweet!

  42. love the colors you chose for the kits and the card is just darling!

  43. love the colors you chose for the kits and your card is darling.

  44. Thanks for the tip about chalking a sky background - I will try that soon! Love the colors you chose for this skip, thank you for all of your hard work to make this possible.

  45. Adorable little bunny card. Fun seeing everyone's cute ideas with one image

  46. Adorable little bunny card. Fun seeing everyone's cute ideas with one image
