Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why are Week End only 2 days long??

I was just getting into this week end - worked yesterday - so the week end was already short - and I sure could use that day to get some things done around the house. I have company coming next week end so wanted to start cleaning the house but also wanted to play with some paper. I got a little of the house cleaned, planted bulbs so I will have tulips blooming in the spring - unless the squirrels decide to have a banquet. I sure hope not. I love to see the tulips when they are blooming - you know spring is coming then.
I struggled with my card today. I was trying to do the sketch at Stamps and Smiles. It did not turn out when I first started so I went with this paper that had lines in in somewhat like the sketch. Unfortunately the sun did not shine in Wisconsin so it was hard to get a good picture.
Everyone have a good Monday. Want to start a layout of a card tonight so I can finish it tomorrow night along with some more cleaning.
Size 5 x 7
Paper - Graphic 45
Ribbon - Offray
Brad - Imaginisce

1 comment:

  1. what a wonderful card that paper makes :0) hope your bulbs don't get eatten! thanks for joining us on stamps and smiles
