Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dust Bunnie for Sale

Well I guess Blogger is having issue or maybe I am having issues - who knows but I can't post a picture - I will try again tomorrow - I am cleaning my house - I feel like I am getting ready for Christmas - I have company coming this week end so I thought I needed to do some cleaning - so no card making for me - just stirring up the dust bunnies - tried to sell them on Facebook but there were no takers - seemed like everyone was trying to honr in on my sale with their own bargain dust bunnies.

I did start a card - it was for a sketch on one of the sites but it wasn't working and it has taken it's own turn and morphing into something entirely different - I hope it morphs itself into a final card tonight.

Can't wait to see Dancing with the Stars tonight to see who the final 3 are - I think Kelly or Donny will go home tonight - but only time will tell.

Well off to finish cleaning some more of the refrigerator - tomorrow is garbage day so it is a great day to be clearing/cleaning the refrigerator.

Everyone have a wonderful evening.

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