Sunday, January 11, 2009

Yikes - It is Sunday

Yes - Yikes - where has the week end gone. Enjoyed a great show - dinner theatre - musical review of the 50's. Love that music and the performers do such a great job. Can't help but feel good after hearing all those great tunes.
My card tonight is for my baby brother - hard to believe he is in the later part of his 40's. (I think). I suppose I could do some subtraction but it is late - and that would be way too difficult to do - plus I would need to remember my age - and that would involve more subtraction.
Paper - Moxie (this is a baseball themed paper)
Stamp - Creative Mode (Wisconsin company)
Brackets - Sizzlet
Ink - Colorbox Chalk Ink
Letters - EK Success
Fussy cut the zig zag strip
Inked edges of all paper
Inside will read (when I write it in) Another Birthday - Oh well - Happy Birthday.
Everyone have a wonderful week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is cute..........just perfect for a "little" brother! Love that image!
