Saturday, January 10, 2009

Snow and More Snow

Good morning - survived another snow storm in Wisconsin - and the flu - not fair to be hit with both of them at the same time. Luckily my "snow blowing fairy" came through yesterday and again this morning (because we got several more inches over night) and cleared out my driveway and the sidewalk. Enough snow - but then this week the artic express is heading our way and the temps are heading into the basement - the deep deep basement.
I have already done my housework, washed the sheets and remade the bed - now I am going to go out and run errands so that is done for the week - because I am not going out in that cold after I get home from work at night.
Here is my card based on the sketch at 2 Sketches 4 You. A very fun sketch - the paper has been laid out on my table all week and I slowly worked on it and finally finished it. I hope you enjoy my take on the design. I also include a shot of the inside of the card - one of my new year card making resolutions - finish the inside of card when I make it.
Paper - Daisy Bucket Designs - Sweet Marabella (from my stash - yeah Barb)
QuicKutz scallop
Hero Arts Stamp
Flowers - Sizzix die cuts and one fussy cut from paper
Brad - loose in the bottom of the brad plastic bag
Scrap lace tea or coffee dyed
May Art fiber


  1. Barb I not only enjoy your take on the Design - I love it! The detail on the flower is fabulous.
    Thanks for playing

  2. Love your card and how you've carried on the detail inside (I must start doing that too, lol!) Gorgeous colouts and beautiful detail on the flower.
    Sarah x

  3. I love this card! The mix of patterns and textures is wonderful!

  4. LOVE this... the patterns, colrs, the movement, the finished inside... fabulous take on Kazan's sketch!!

  5. Gorgeous take on the sketch Barb! Beautiful card!
