Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year's Eve

2008 winds down and comes to a close. It was an interesting year - weather wise - if you have read my blog at all - you will note all the reference to snow. Way too much of that in 2008 and I do hope 2009 is not the same.

I am not too much for making personal new year's resolutions - but I did decide to try and make some card making resolutions for 2009 - let's see if I can remember them.

Learn to color better (going to sign up for a copics coloring class in January)

Buy less

Use up supplies I have

Try to keep creation station cleaner and neater - although right now everything is neat and put away and I have no desire to create

I think that is a pretty big list of resolutions for 2009 in regards to my card making.

Do you have any resolutions for your creativity - whether it is paper crafting or some other type of hobby? Of course, a big one for me - may be just staying awake at night - or sleeping through the night. Must get a better handle on my sleep patterns.

The card I made is made from scraps from a Christmas grouping from K&Co. Some of the papers work great for regular cards - hope you enjoy my scrap creation.

Patterned Paper: K&Company
Rub On: Imaginisce™
Inks: ColorBox Fluid Chalk Inkpad by Clearsnap, Inc.
Die Cut: Sizzix
Brads: Basic Grey
Flower: American Crafts

Idea to Note: This entire card except for brad and foam flowers was scraps. This is actually a Christmas group of papers and I was making Christmas cards. I used the leftovers to make the card base, front, cut flourishes and flowers. Added Stickles to brad and top foam flower to pick up the glitter in the paper.


  1. Love the card, Barb! Fabulous use of scraps! Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year, Barb. I finally found your blog. Is your cococat site out? I can't get into the forum area. It is my week to send cards to Anna's children and I can't get the address (or the kids' names.) Hope you can help me out. marykahler Thanks

  3. Hey barb! I need the kids' address, too - I have a package to go out to them. Thanks!
