Sunday, December 28, 2008

Good Sunday Morning

Just a quick post to celebrate Sunday. The house is returning to normal after Christmas Day and a house full of people. I did not even count - some did not come because of the of flu - but at least the weather did cooperate - no snow that day. YEAH. Would you believe yesterday it was almost 50 degrees and we had rain - but at least some of the snow banks have reduced in size. Last night it snowed again - not too much - but enough that we have broken the record for snowiest month. OH YIPPEE SKIPEE.

Need to make plans for the leftover dinner. Making chicken encihiladas - garlic bread, corn bread also - no leftover dessert - so will make some brownies to go with the ice cream I have left.

The creation I am sharing today is made with Kaiser scrapbook paper, Sizzix die cut and a recycled container from Target. Loved the shape of this container - it was talking to me from the shelf to reuse - of course - I had to eat the cereal first.

Back to work tomorrow but I think I can work for 2 days - have 2 days off - work one day and have a week end - I think.

Everyone enjoy your day.

1 comment:

  1. Barb, I don't have your e-mail address. Pam is trying to fix the error on CC. She is having problems. Needs to do some homework
