Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Went to little league baseball game tonight right after work. My neighbor boy was playing - his team won so they play again on Thursday night. Might be able to make the first game if I get everything done for the recipe swap tomorrow night. Otherwise - no creativity here tonight.

This is a card I made awhile ago which I have never posted so I don't even remember for sure on things. I think the paper is from DreamStreets. The stamp is from Stampin' Place -I think - unmounted rubber - so I couldn't tell you for sure - I think it is fun. It is stamped on cork paper. I do remember I attempted to color the image - well that did not work so just plain old one color stamping on this one. Hope it brigns a smile to your face -

Hopefully tomorrow night I can share my recipe page for the swap I am in - have to make a bunch of puppy chow tomorrow night.

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