Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday, Again

Don't you prefer Fridays over Monday - I sure do but gotta work so you can buy paper and stamps. Had to run errands after work - I am participating in a recipe page exchange this week so I had to pick up my stuff to make my recipe - I will post my page later in the week - I like how it turned out.

Tonight's card is based on the sketch at Card Positioning System. I used some paper I have had for awhile Basic Grey - so this card also qualifies for oldie moldie Monday. For the curved portion of the card - I let the patterned paper provide my curves - I fussy cut the paper. I stitched the layers together - what bad stitching - I am so ashamed - I use to be quite an accomplished seamstress in a former life. Must be the machine. The rub on is by October Afternoon. The flower is a Sizzix die cut. The bottom layer is a Heidi Swap flower- 2 layers of a patterned paper, a layer of felt to add extra depth and texture. The brad in the middle is painted and a crackle finish is done on it.



  1. Oh neat take on the sketch Barb! Thanks for playing along this week!!!

  2. Your card is so pretty!! Love the floral theme here! Great job with this week's CPS sketch...thanks for playing this week!

