Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sad Day in Wisconsin

Good Tuesday evening.

Today Wisconsin went into mourning with the retirement of Brett Favre. He has given Packer fans some wonderful memories. A new era in Packer history will start from this day forward - but can't you understand when he says he was "mentally tired" - don't all of our jobs do that to us sometimes. I know mine does and today was one of those. Good luck Brett - have a wonderful retirement.

On to cardmaking - how exciting - I found out I was one of the winners over on the micro challenge on Caardvarks. It was the card I posted on Sunday with the Cuddlebug embossing folder. How fun - I won some new stamps - always nice to win new supplies.

I gave my assistant a pack of assorted cards for her birthday. This is one of the cards I gave to her -

the flower is fabric

Bazzill cardstock base

Patterned paper - Cloud 9 Design™

Rub Ons - K & Co

Buttons: American Crafts™

Trim: American Crafts™

In between the squares was the words I love to quilt - she is a quilter so I cut one of these phrases out and glued it inside the knot. The button has a skinny scrap of fabric pulled through the holes and tied in a knot. I also used my machine to stitch around the square. Don't remember for sure - but I imagine I adhered the fabric to paper with Heat N Bond Lite - you can sew through this without damaging your machine.

Well off to stare at paper (I do lots of that in the evening).

1 comment:

  1. This is just beautiful Barb. A lot of love went into this card. I bet your assistant loved it!
