Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Catchy Titles

How do people come up catchy titles for each time they blog. I need to reread that chapter in "Blogging for Dummies". Another busy day at work and tomorrow will be extra long.

Tonight I am coloring an image with some Twinkling H2O's. I haven't had those out for a long time. I have a few copics but not enough to color something well - I do have the Prismacolor pencils and Gamsol and have done some coloring with those. My daughter had a nice set - she did lots of art in high school and 4 H and was not using her collection so I just borrowed them from her. This is one area of my cardmaking I want to expand on - I did not go to kindergarten so maybe that is my problem.

I actually went to a one room country school - for the first several years all eight grades were in the school, then we combined with another school so we only had 4 grades in the one room. Finally in 5th or 6th grade - they combined 5 schools - and we went down to 2 grades together. It was a wonderful education and I had wonderful teachers. I actually was named after my first grade teacher - no I was not the nameless child - she just happened to be my Mom's best friend in high school and I was lucky enough to have her as a teacher. More on education in the back woods of Wisconsin in another post.

Tonights card was another one I gave my assistant. I was playing with some stamps so the bird image was just laying around on my table so I decided to finally make it into a card.

Patterned Paper - Making Memories

Bird Stamp - Autumn Leaves

HI stamp - Studio G - I think I will get my dollar's worth out of this little stamp

Ink - what else - my favorite - Chestnut Roan - Chalk Ink from ColorBox

Brads - Paper Studio

Everyone have a good evening - probably no post tomorrow night.


  1. Lovely, lovely feel to this card. The bird stamp is wonderful!

  2. I can't do the catchy titles either, but I love your card!

  3. Yeah, and the witty-ness in every single post! How do they do that?

    Hey, I didn't know about your one-room-schoolhouse-backwoods-Wisconsin education! Very interesting!
