Monday, March 28, 2022

The Male Room Challenge and Oldie Moldie Monday Collide

 It is Monday - time to show some love for your old supplies.  

I am combining my old supplies with the current challenge at The Male Room.  I am continuing to work on my Birthday Project and wanted to make some more masculine cards.

The dog image I have had for a long time.  I dug out some old papers that complemented the colors in the image and made this fun card.

Thanks for stopping by and remember to show some love for your old supplies.


  1. What a great dog image! Love how you’ve layered it and the colours you have used. Thanks for playing along with The Male Room. X

  2. Great findings from your stash, the combination looks perfect and doggy so cute. Thank you for playing along with The Male Room's Animal challenge. I hope to see you our new Dry embossing challenge too.
