Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Friendship and Cardmaking

 It is so nice to be able to make a card to send to your friends.  I don't want to go to the store and buy a card so I am blessed to have all these supplies so I can create, send joy to someone and also bring joy to myself in both the creating of the card and also thinking about a friend when you mail them a card.

I have been trying to use some of the supplies in my supplies.  I had this image already colored.  I believe it is a My Favorite Things stamp and it looks like I tried to do kinda a no line watercolor.  I even had the card base in my supplies.  

The current challenge at Just Us Girls is Friends.

Now the question is which friend do I send it to.  

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a lovely friend card! Thanks for joining in at JUGS!

  2. What a sweet friend card! I love hydrangeas. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Just Us Girls.

  3. This is so pretty Barb and fabulously colored! Such a perfect greeting for our challenge this week! Awesome job! Thanks for being with us at Just Us Girls!
