Monday, September 27, 2021

Oldie Moldie Monday

 I guess I took a break from my blog and creativity this summer while I battled some health issues.  Hopefully I am back to creating and posting once again.

It is Monday -time to show some love for your old supplies.  The paper in the card is a little aged but not as old as many of my supplies.  

I had miscalculated the month of September - how did it get to the end of September so fast - and I had not made Lydia a birthday card so I remedied that over the week end.

I used the current sketch at Sunday Stampers to help me make this card.  

I used a new stamp and colored it with distress inks.  Lydia loves her cat and he is quite the talker.  I wanted to use bright happy paper - she is 17 and they always need bright and happy in their lives.  I did add Stickles to some of the dots on the paper to add sparkle (17 year olds need sparkle also).  Glossy accents was added to the eyeballs.

I am quite happy with how the card turned out.

Remember to show some love for your old supplies.

Thanks for stopping by.  


  1. Well, that's a dapper kitty, for sure! Very cute, Barb! Love that bright dotty background paper, too! Thanks so much for playing at Sunday Stamps!

  2. Your kitty is adorable and so funny! I love it. Thanks for playing along with this weeks challenge at Sunday Stamps! and I hope you continue to feel better. Sending hugs.
