Saturday, June 27, 2020

Another Tic Tac Toe Challenge

I am playing with this weeks Tic Tac Toe Challenge

I chose to use the diagonal row:  polka dots, coloring and sparkle.

I first smooshed my card stock in watered down ink.  After it dried, I took a polka dot stencil and added color through just a small portion of the polka dots.  I just wanted a partial covering of my background.  I then took some clear Stickles (sparkle) and dotted on top of each polka dot.  (Confession I was planning to use some glitter paste but I couldn't get my stencil lined up correctly so went with the Stickles - whew - design idea saved).

I stamped the little owl from Paper Smooches and colored it with a Zig marker.  I also painted a branch and then fussy cut both the branch and owl.  I glued the branch on the front and then added the owl with some foam tape for dimension.   The sentiment was stamped below the owl and branch.  I adhered the panel to a Kraft card base.  After I took the picture, I decided to add glossy accents to the eyes and then redo the dot with my black gel pen.

I really do like how my card turned out.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Just love your darling little owl on the branch! Spotted him at Tic-Tac-Toe challenge and had to stop by to comment. Great save on the stickled dots - they look amazing behind your owl!!

  2. How cute! Love the polka dot sparkle background!
