Monday, November 20, 2017

Oldie Moldie Monday

Bad Blogger Barb should be my new name.  I do create almost every day but I just don't get them blogged. 

Today is the day I use older supplies.  I have had these two sheets of paper sitting on my desk for years.  It is Authentique paper so it is beautiful weight and color. 

I had seen this design on Pinterest aod liked it so used it for these cards.  I cut the blue pattern paper a little larger than an A2 card.  I then trimmed it down to A2 size.  I die cut the white using a stitched rectangle die and then cut it at a slant for the card front.  The stitched edge adds a nice finished touch to the card front.  I stamped different sentiment on each card.

Fun easy cards to make and this beautiful paper will be put to good use.  I am trying to put together a box to send to a groups of Wisconsin soldier stationed overseas.  Some will go to a friend's charity drive for Hospice.

Remember to show some love for your old supplies. 

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