Saturday, August 5, 2017

Oldie Moldie Monday

It is Monday - time to show some love for your old supplies.  Normally I use paper for my Oldie Moldie Monday creations but this time around I am using all old stamps on a background I made.

I was inspired by the sketch from CAS(E) This Sketch.

Once again I struggle, a CASE card has lots of white space.  Does white space mean white space or does it mean ares with nothing in it.  I am going with the latter definition.

I have many gold stamps and the majority of them are well aged.  I did buy a new one this year but I put it in a safe place and it is no where to be found.  I did use distress oxides for my background.  I think next time I will use an oval to make my golf mound. and to use as a mask.

This card is going to a friend.  I am making four of this card.  One will go in a box being sent over seas to a group of soldiers and the other two will go to my friend who supports two non profit groups with fundraisers and the cards will be sold for those.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

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