Sunday, November 15, 2015


It is always fun to try new things in the world of paper crafting/mixed media.  Several months ago I participated in a postcard exchange.  You had to make three postcards.  Here are the three I made for that exchange.

They are all approximately 4 x 6.

I am participating in another exchange and I am just creating my postcards now.  They have a winter theme.  I have made two of them already.  I am not sure about one of them but I will probably send it.  The upcoming group of postcards have a winter theme.

It is always fun to try a different way of approaching your art.

Have a lovely Sunday.  I am off to spend a couple days at my daughters.  She has a couple long days in retail coming up so I will hang out with the dogs, cook her a good meal or two and of course, I brought some art stuff to work on.

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