Monday, October 12, 2015

Oldie Moldie Monday - Halloween

Decided I needed to make some quick Halloween cards.  I have several elderly special women in my life so I thought I would make some quick cards so I had something to send them.  I still have a couple more to make.  Hopefully that will be next Monday's post.

I keep a folder of all my Halloween and fall papers in so it is pretty easy to make something.  Both of these images were in the folder.  I believe I had printed them from somewhere but they sure helped make the cards come together very quickly.  I am always happy when I can find a use for my recycled purple card stock.

I did add some Wink of Stella to the teeth of the cat and the moon.  On the pumpkin I added it to the spider web, the eyes, nose and teeth.

Remember to show some love for your old supplies.

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