Monday, May 11, 2015

Oldie Moldie Monday

I needed to make a sympathy card for a co worker who lost her grandfather to cancer.  When I make a sympathy card for a male, I usually dig out my tree stamps.  I guess trees are masculine to me and flowers would be a choice for a feminine sympathy card.

It is Monday - so time to show some love for some old supplies.  The paper is a 6 x 6 pad from My Mind's Eye.  The tree stamp is from Penny Black and the sympathy stamp - not for sure because it is hiding from me now.

I used the sketch from Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge.  I love all the layers and of course I decided I needed to mat each layer.  Once again it is a loose interpretation of the sketch.  Their under strip is my vellum sentiment strip over the top.

Remember to show some love for your old supplies.  They make great cards yet.

Happy Monday - busy week at work.

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