Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Mixed Media Mojo April Challenge

It is April - time for another monthly challenge on Mixed Media Mojo.  The challenge this month is Recycle/Upcycle with Flower as the added twist.

I love to recycle items into my crafting.  My first post for the month of April using recycled items is a lowly oatmeal box.  I turned it into a gift box for a teenager for her birthday.  It was lots of fun to make.  I sure do hope she did not throw it away.

The box has many layers on it.  I will be posting a how to later in the month.  Come join us at Mixed Media Mojo and recycle something.


  1. I love your box, the colours and texture!

  2. Great recycling project, love your colour combination!

  3. A beautiful box, the colours are lovely.
    xxx Hazel.
