Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Mixed Media Mojo October Challenge

It is the beginning of October and time for a new challenge on the Mixed Media Mojo Challenge Blog.

So, in a prior life, I was a person who sewed everything and anything.  I worked in a fabric store for over 10 years.  I bought lots of fabric.  I no longer sew except on an occasional card and the fabric supply has dwindled.  I once again need to go through my fabric and give more of it away.  Needless to say, I like this challenge.  If you check back on the September challenge post, I used fabric on that card.

Oh my what you can do with a recycled pickle jar.  If you stop by next Wednesday, October 8, I will have step outs for how I did my candy jar.  My fabric is around the middle of the jar and then tied in a bow.

Go find some fabric and make a Halloween or fall card.  Can't wait to see your projects.


  1. Love your candy jar Barb! Can't wait to see your step out! Thanks for the sneak peek!~kim

  2. I would find my hand in this candy jar for sure. I love the spray webbing! Awesome job! ~Niki
