Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday Creativity - Two Challenges Combined

Home from my 45th class reunion.  It was nice to see people again.  I graduated with a good group of people.  We even do reunions for special years.  We had one the year everyone turned 60 and are planning one for the year everyone turns 65.  The off year celebrations are a big potluck at someone's home.  Being an early riser, my drive home was accomplished with very little traffic and even though it takes two hours, I was home shortly after 8 a.m. this morning.  Time to get some things done.

I had laid out a card (started anyway) before I left home on Saturday.  I was able to combine the card with two challenges.

The first challenge is the weekly sketch at Freshly Made Sketches.  I just had to move my two strips down to accommodate my sentiment.  Here is the sketch.

The other challenge is a CAS monochromatic challenge from The Paper Players.

Here is my card.

The card is "shades of teal" - one of my favorite color combinations.  The snowman sticker is from Penny Black and the sentiment is from SRM Stickers.  I embossed the white and teal mat with a Cuddlebug snowflake embossing folder.  (shhhh - don't tell anyone - I am using more of my recycled white card stock from commencement programs).  I scattered a few pearls around the white areas to pick up more of the teal color.

Enjoy your Sunday.


  1. Cute snowman card! Love the embossed snowflake background. Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches!

  2. Oh how sweet is that snowman? I just love this festive card you've made! Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches this week!

  3. Fun design and at 110 degrees outside, I need a snowman! Thanks for playing with the Paper Players!

  4. This little snowman is adorable! The embossed snowflakes are beautiful! Thank you for joining us at The Paper Players this week! XX

  5. Totally adorable! I love the snowman sticker and the embossed snowflakes! Thanks for playing with The Paper Players!
