Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday - Unity Stamps and Friends With Flair

It is Friday and on my continued quest to use some of my supplies - I try to use my Unity Stamps because they have Friends with Flair on Fridays.  Last week I did not get anything made - I was helping a friend alter a skirt.  My sewing skills are very rusty.

This little doggie was cut out and waiting for me to make a card last week so this week he gets to be front and center on a card.  I love this doggie.  He is so sweet and there is so much you could do with him.  I chose to stamp him on pattern paper and cut him out and put him on my die cut circles.  I used a little off center balancing on my card.  Maybe I have invented a new design word.  Hmmmmmm.

All this paper (except maybe the paper I stamped the dog on) are oldie moldies so I could have posted on Monday.  Some even came out of the scrap bin.  Always good to use some of your older supplies.  This card will go in my Operation Write Home box.  It will bring many smiles.  This is one of the things that inspires me to make cards for Operation Write Home - the smiles - I smile when I make the card - hopefully the OWH shipper smiles when she packs the card to go overseas.  The Hero who picks out the card to send home is smiling and you can imagine the smiles the recipient has when they receive a card from their Hero.

Have a wonderful Friday.  I have the day off so I need to accomplish some things and now I have accomplished one of the first things on my list.  Don't tell anyone I also watched two craft videos.


  1. what a cute puppy! he looks so loving!

  2. Awe, so adorable. Saw this on facebook too. :)

  3. Saw this cutie on facebook, very nice!

  4. Adorable--I like the paper piecing.

  5. Sweetest card ever; I love this card!

  6. You used perfect papers! That pooch just pops off the card!

  7. Too cute! I love the sentiment you used.

  8. Love your card. Love to use scrap around too. I feel I use all well. But it is cool to use new stuff too

  9. Cute, cute, cute! Look at you, being all resourceful and using scraps! :)
