Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Seize the Sketch and Basic Grey

This week on Seize the Sketch challenge blog they have a great sketch.

I needed to make some thank you notes for my daughter.  She has had some wonderful friends who have helped her through a very rough time in her life.  Her good friends came and took care of the dogs many days so Staci was able to be at the hospital with her husband and while the family were with Chris during his final hours, they brought the family food and drink to sustain them through the night.  What can you do to thank a family for such kindness and friendship?

This is my version of the sketch made into a square card.  I thought this image of a dog was very appropriate since one of Staci's dogs is a yellow lab and Axel alias Squirt is also yellow in color.  I just noticed I forgot to color the collar.  I think it will be red.  Both stamps are from Whipper Snapper Stamps.  The paper is from Basic Grey.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Sounds like good people indeed and I am sure they will love this sweet card! Thank you for joining us at STS!

  2. I love the expression on the dogs face. too cute. great background papers too.

  3. cute card :) Thanks for joining us on Seize the Sketch!!

  4. What a sweet thank you card! Love the mix of patterned papers and how you colored the dog image. Thanks for joining us at Seize the Sketch!

  5. I spotted your sweet image straight away in the STS link up, Barb. The card is just adorable; I am so sorry for the reason behind the need. So glad friends were there for your daughter. Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Seize the Sketch!

  6. Saw your submission at seize the sketch and thought I'd pop over to see it's fantastic!
    :) Janis

  7. I'm so sorry for the reason this card had to be made, but they are sure some great friends indeed. Your card is adorable and I just love that dog image!
