Monday, January 21, 2013

Oldie Moldie Monday and Sweet Sunday Sketch

It is Monday - time to show some love for your older supplies.  Of course, you need to know where the supplies are that you want to use.  I had put everything away at Christmas but I had this one piece I had left out so I could color my images - took me awhile to find the remainder of the collection.

I have a special group of friends and I did not get holiday cards made for them so this is their holiday card.  They can be a flaky group of friends.  So to add the flakiness of the card not only being late - I made the cards so they all open backwards to make them smile.    I hope they enjoy them - each card is different but all use the same image and the same paper collection.  The stamp is a Whipper Snapper Design and the paper collection is from Collage Press.

The card is based on the sketch from Sweet Sunday.  The sketch is active for two weeks.

I had been going to do the sketch from the last two weeks but work has been busy and there was no creativity in my soul for the last couple weeks.  But yesterday, mission accomplished - I was able to complete that sketch also.  I just moved the accent to the other side of the circle.  

Here is the sketch I used.
I have two more cards I am working on - stop by later in the week and you will be able to see them.

Remember to show some love for your oldier supplies.

1 comment:

  1. Great take on the sketch...I hope you'll link up at 52 Card Pickup this week!
