Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday - OWH Sketch time

My twisted version of this week's sketch from Operation Write Home's card blog - Stars and Stamps.  As I was going through my Silhouette files - the mustache jumped out at me as a border so I went the masculine route on my card.  I think it will bring a smile to someone's face.

As I was doing this - I was thinking about other uses for the mustache - and came up with the idea of a mustache for a retirement card - retirement - now you have time to sit back and watch your hair grow - or for a woman - gee retirement - you no longer have to worry about your mustache and plucking it.

OK - enough warped sense of humor - I guess I need to drink another cup of coffee.


  1. Barb, you certainly brought a smile to my face and I love your thoughts on retirement cards with mustaches. Good thinking!!! All we need is a jumping off spot and I like the direction you jumped in.

  2. so much fun ... I wasn't expecting to see something like this and mustaches are all the rage!!

  3. Great card, fun theme. Just for the record - I'm retired and have to pluck that mustache even more now! LOL Hair grows everywhere except on your head where you need it! :)

  4. Ha! I love your humor! What a creative idea for this sketch!

  5. This is so fun! Love the mustaches!

  6. I really love your take on the sketch, and it's really a fun card! Your thought process amazes me. So many creative ideas from one little sketch.

  7. What a fun and unique idea!! Loved this sketch and think your card is perfect!!

  8. Funny and cute! Love the theme. Way to think outside the box! tfs!!!

  9. Great idea and sense of humor! Brought a smile to my face!

  10. It's always fun to see a new sketch, then immediately scroll down to see what you've done with it. Often I get great inspiration. This time I got a big laugh that woke up my dog. Great job of making it your own!!!

  11. Funny lady! Love the mustaches :) Thanks for joining us in this week's Operation Write Home Sketch Challenge!

  12. Hi Barb! Too clever!! I always enjoy looking for our early bird's Sunday card! Guys will love this.

  13. Love it! The teens around here have been into mustaches. I guess they are a new fad.

  14. I love your card and your sense of humor! what a great card!
