Monday, April 16, 2012

Oldie Moldie Monday

Today - the day to show some love for some "oldie moldie paper and supplies".  The post today is mostly "oldie moldie".  The blue plaid is not old but I needed a background for this particular grouping of paper.  All the paper in the pad were not good background papers for the cards or paper I wanted to highlight. 

This grouping is called Kazoo Kids from K&Company.  I had the paper, stickers and rub ons.  I was able to use the rub ons - sometimes they do dry up or do not rub on but luckily these still worked with lots of hard rubbing.  The stitches were rub ons - I love the little extra they add to the card.  The sentiment on the second card is also a rub on. 

These cards will go into my next box for Operation Write Home - I can see some little boy gettng the top two cards from their Daddy and a wife or sweetheart getting the last card with the flower. 

Thanks for stopping by today and try to use up some of those old supplies.

1 comment:

  1. I think these are great! It is wonderful inspiration on how to use up those forgotten, hiding in the bottom of the drawer supplies. A little boy is going to have a big smile when he gets one of these!
