Sunday, April 29, 2012

JilliBean Soup, Stampendous, Unity Stamps and Operation Write Home

Good Sunday morning - I had lots of fun shopping yesterday and got some new supplies.  Of course, several 6 x 6 pads jumped in my basket - I don't know how they do that.  This paper is one of the stacks - It is from Jillibean Soup.  The collection is called Southern Chicken Dumpling Soup and it has the most yummy pastel colors in it.

Sitting on my design mess (table) was this little monkey waiting to be colored - lucky for me - an easy color.  (as you can see - I forgot to color the chest - kinda looks like she has a white Tshirt on underneath her tutu - it is now colored brown) so this card was born with the help of the weekly sketch from Operation Write Home card blog - Stars and Stamps.  When I cut with my Silhouette - especially borders - I cut extra in basic colors so I have them when I want to create.  I like the difference in sizes in the scallops on this border - gives a different look.  The card seems naked to me and after I had it finished - I should have tied a bakers twine bow at the top - but I was not going to tear the card apart. 

I just mailed Kris a box of 70 cards and I tried to send children, masculine, and normal (whatever we consider that) and hoping to do that for my next box.  So this card I believe would be for a little girl.  I love this sentiment from Unity Stamps.  I think I will go add a little bling in the center of the flower.  I am also going to put my sticker on the back and line them as I make the cards - it will help when it is time to mail them in.

Everyone have a creative day.  Since I played (shopped) and then played yesterday - I must get some work done around the house - but I will get my Oldie Moldie card or cards made for tomorrow.


  1. Such a cute card with that dancing monkey :) I love the papers, and those pads always jump right into my cart too - even though I'll never use them all! It's the best kind of addiction to have tho, doncha think? :)

  2. I love those monkeys! I have trouble working with pastels, so I really admire how this card turned out.

    You are smart to stamp and line cards as you go. I tend to do that about once a week and I sort the cards into my box at the same time so I can see what theme I might need to make more or less of since I try to send a good mix.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Sweet sweet card! The picture always provided me with the best got some great ideas! My card was made by stuff that jumped in my mailbox. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Very cute image and the combination of papers is great. Nice work Barb!

  5. I love the monkey in the ballerina suit. Yes, this would be a great card for a little girl, especially if she would happen to be taking dance classes. Great coloring and thanks for sharing.

  6. Who doesn't love dancing monkeys?! That paper is great, I'm glad it jumped into your shopping baskets.

  7. Aw, she's too cute! I love the pretty feminine colors and the way you changed up the scallops and cut around the sentiment. I really need to do that more!

  8. Cute cute card and the perfect matching patterned papers!!

    This was a tough one fo rme, but I'm happy that I did get two cards done...after some - much needed revisions! ;)

  9. Adorable!!!!!! Who doesn't love a monkey in a pink tutu!!! This card is a smile waiting to happen!

  10. Love your card! Super cute monkey and wonderful combination of patterned papers.

  11. Great card, Barb! That monkey image is too cute! Thanks for joining us in this week's OWH Stars & Stamps Sketch Challenge!

  12. What a great card! I like paper pads, too :)

  13. Love your card and all of the pretty colors and papers and that little monkey is simply adorable.

  14. Such a lovely card and adorable monkey! Great job with the sketch!!
