Monday, March 19, 2012

Oldie Moldie Monday

It is Oldie Moldie Monday - time to show some love to some old paper - I had three sheets of this coordinating paper - the paper is from TPC Studio.  The plane and boat were on the paper so I cut them out to use on a card front. 

The midweek challenge on Stars and Stamps - Operation Write Home card blog - is to make a miss you card - so my little plane is pulling a banner saying miss you.  On the boat I added the dot on the sail and the stripe on the hull.  The last card uses a couple SRM Stickers to finish off the card. 

A total of 5 more cards for my next box.

1 comment:

  1. All three of your cards are terrific! I like the sentiment on the banner behind the plane. A cheerful and bright set of cards! Thanks for playing in our Midweek Throwdown Miss You Card Challenge at Operation Write Home Stars & Stamps!
