Monday, January 16, 2012

Oldie Moldie Monday

Oldie Moldie Monday - time to share a card made with some paper I never showed any love to - I bought one sheet of this paper because I liked all the elements in it - knew it would be great for making cards - double sided (blue print and rusty print) and on the blue side there were two rows of these flowers.  I cut the rows of flowers off each end and then used th remainder ofthe paper to make 4 of these cards.  These cards are all for Operation Write Home - yes there are many soldiers still serving overseas that do not have access to a hallmark store.  The stamp is from Hero Arts.  The paper is from Graphic 45.

This card fits the challenge for flowers on Stars and Stamps - Operation Write Home's card blog.  Come play along with us.  Everyone has flowers in their collection of supplies.

And on that note - I Wish You a Wonderful Day.  I have a day off from work - have a haircut appointment at 11 - was going to work but I did not get the list I wanted to work on - so gee - I guess I will not go to work.  Enjoy your day whether you are working or doing other things.


  1. This paper is gorgeous Barb. Looks like you have some treasures buried in there with the Oldie Moldies! :)

  2. I can see why you liked this paper, it made a beautiful card. I really like all of the patterns in the cardstock, and I love that you could make a border too - great idea! Thanks for playing in our Midweek Throwdown challenge at Operation Write Home Stars & Stamps!
    ~Lee Mae Operation Write Home MWT Assistant
