Monday, December 26, 2011

Oldie Moldie Monday

The good news is that I survived another Christmas and I even managed to make a card last night - I did not want to miss an Oldie Moldie Monday post. 

I know I have an entire grouping of this paper - but who knows where it is.  These pieces of paper were in a little drawer with all the die cuts that coordinate with the paper.  The die cuts have glitter on them so I will not be able to use them for Operation Write Home. 

Well I must go - trying to clean up after Christmas dinner and put things away - I am on my second load of laundry and I am planning to go play for awhile with my friend Mary.  I actually would like to take a nap right now - it is only 9:00 am.  I slept through the second half of the football game last night - luckily the Packers were able to win without me but it must have been a great second half looking at the score.  Oh well. 

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